Due to my best friend's irreristable demand, I am updating my blog. I have had a lot of things happening to me the past few weeks that aren't really for public consumption, but I remembered that hey, I've never card if it's for public consumption then, why should I care now? And thus the story of the geek lost in the city is told. Oh wait, I haven't started yet! :D Let's start with the most monetarily satisfying week of my early career. I know there are things I can talk about and others that I can talk about, so let me talk about those that I can talk about. First payoff: teaching engagement. Taught for three days at a training center, and made q considerable amount of money -- had high ratings, and thus had a high pay rate. Second payoff: software development project. I met with the project lead, and wasn't expecting much -- until I got paid a considerable amount of time for the work that I have done and will be doing for the next few days. Both these payo
A blog by Dean Michael Berris.