Here's something new: after having fun with WiFi and broadband at the offices, I am now giving this new notebook a try on dialup. Oh, the new notebook is an Acer TravelMate 3280 -- and I'm absolutely having fun with it. Not really too much of a head turner, but it has a dual core Intel processor, and I'm having a ball with it. Now, I just got myself a prepaid internet card (and it's pretty cheap, considering that it's worth P100 for 20 hours) and this provider (ISP Bonanza) doesn't allow me to directly send email using SMTP -- but it does allow me to access my mail via IMAP, so that should be enough. And now, I'm having fun watching Discovery Travel & Living, in my air conditioned living room, and blogging on Dialup. Ah, the life... CHill!
A blog by Dean Michael Berris.