This is personal reflection. If you're not much into this kind of thing, stop reading. Consider yourself warned. When are you most effective? Effectiveness might be measured by how much effect you have on a certain aspect: work, life, relationships, the earth, the universe, your family, your dog's aptitude, and pretty much anything that can be affected and measured . But how do you know you're being an effective life partner, friend, manager, brother, sister, neighbor, or person? How do you measure the effect you have on other people? I found out that you can't. That it all really depends on how you feel about other people and how you help other people become better people as you try to become better yourself. It's a matter of being appreciated, and being told that "you have affected me, and that I welcome your effect". I found out it doesn't matter much what other people think about you, just as long as they're wrong. And that if ever other people