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Showing posts from 2007

Indefinite Leave of Absence

I don't feel like writing a lot publicly about things that have been happening in my life. I've rediscovered the utility of a private journal, and now I'm taking an indefinitely leave of absence from this blog. Until further notice, consider this blog retired. It's been a good run, thanks to everyone who've ever visited and commented. Chill.

Day 10 - Good Lunch, Lost Weight!

Today I got up pretty late. I've just had lunch and it's been a while since I've had a good meal for lunch. I weighed myself as well today, and I'm now 193 lbs! Compare that to 205 lbs a couple weeks back, and I'd say I'm in pretty good shape. Thirty three pounds to go and I'm within the safe weight range. Another fifteen pounds after that and I'd say I'll be in very good shape. This isn't so bad, the diet is definitely growing on me. Until tomorrow!

Day 7,8,9 -- Batteries, Traffic, and Missing Someone

My girlfriend's phone is dead and she's in her province. I'm here in my province and I can't reach her because my phone batteries are close to dying now too. Yesterday traffic was insane and it caused us (the family) at least six hours yesterday in total waiting for traffic to move. I'm not in the mood for blogging right now which should show. I miss my baby so bad. Until tomorrow.

Day 6 - Dad's Home... Oh, and School too.

Dad's back home! He wasn't gone for a long while but he had the chance to get a change of scenery good enough to change his mood. Now he smiles more than before he went to the US for that break. I on the other hand am doing alright, though I'm still getting the hang of the diet. Like right now, I'm craving for something filling but I can't just have anything I think of. So still the challenge is the food -- but it's slowly getting better. I should be able to weigh myself now and feel like I'm under 200lbs; and I'm confident about it. So the day was alright, hours and hours spent traveling from Makati to Laguna and back. The class wasn't that interesting, just a couple new interpolation methods discussed: more to study for the exam. Slowly this studying thing is becoming a chore and I'm slowly regretting why I even signed up for finishing it *now*. I was looking forward to this but now I'm looking back and I'm thinking perhaps my instincts

Day 5 - Work, Food, Work?

So I'm back in the office now. It's not a joke this job that I do... It's not a joke by a long shot. So when there are meetings, conversations, things to do, and other issues that need to be resolved the last thing I want to think about it eating. But then when you're in a metropolitan city where all the conveniences of the modern life -- and modern food -- are at an arm's reach, how can I avoid thinking about food? The answer is I don't. I think about it like I ought to think about it: what I can eat and what I ought not to eat. I can talk about it and I can think about it but I stick to the food that I should eat. I get it from friends and work mates: "So what *can* you eat?". The answer is simple: only those that's good for me. That means low sodium, low fat, high fiber, low/no sugar, virtually no cholesterol, all good natural food. And that's not just because I'm on a diet to lose weight, that's also so that I can stay a bit longer

Day 4 - Each Day Gets Better

Each day gets better. Not only does my love for my girlfriend grow stronger every day, the chest pain I've been feeling for the past week is starting to go away. Today is the first day I feel that I can do anything and move about without the chest pain bothering me. When I woke up this morning (pretty late) it felt different. I wasn't feeling any discomfort in my chest anymore -- or at least it's not like it used to be. Now I'm enjoying this day like I used to enjoy everyday with virtually no pain in my chest. I also had a very nice IM conversation with my love -- who also commented on my first day post -- and all I can say is that my day is going very well. I hope the coming days are more like this day, and that the road to reversing diabetes and hypertension would be as nice as this day. If there's something that I need to get through which will take more out of me than anything else I've ever done is saying "no" to a lot of the food that I used to e

Day 3 - Family Day

It's Sunday -- Family Day -- and my uncle, aunts, and cousin are here in the province to visit my grandmother. I always loved family day because it gives me a chance to get back in touch with family. Topic of the day is my diet and my illnesses. It's no secret that our family is very open with each other and that I'm very thankful that our family sticks together through thick and thin. I feel definitely lucky that I was born into this family even though almost everyone's got health problems among other problems in life. One of my aunts also has heart ailments/abnormalities and she's now 50+ years old. We have the same congenital heart disease (mitral valve prolapse), hypertension, and high cholesterol levels. But she's very strong and has the brightest outlook in life. I definitely admire her and look up to her as far as being strong and sticking through it goes. I'd like to live up to 50 or even more (my grandpa lived up to 72, and was strong for most of th

Day 2 - Sinking In Hopefully

So I'm diabetic and hypertensive... It used to be so easy to decide what I'll eat and how much -- it used to be anything I thought of, and as much as I can have . Today is different: I've got to follow the diet else risk worsening the situation I'm in. I'm taking five different medicines: one for diabetes, one for hypertension, one for fixing my digestive tract functions, one for the ulcers, one for the esophagus' wounds. I take some before meals, some before breakfast, some after meals. Figuring out the schedule takes time and I think I'm going to get the hang of it after a few days or after a week. This is just another challenge which I hope I can overcome soon. I just have to make it part of my routine -- drink meds before eating, eat what's allowable, drink meds after eating. I should get some exercise into the mix as well but not too much since I have Mitral Valve Prolapse . Given that I need to lose weight to keep the diabetes under control and to

Day 1 - Pain, Suffering, and Relief

How do you live with a disease and let your loved ones see your suffering? If you're single (like me) how do you convince your girlfriend that spending the rest of her life with you will be worth it? How do you make it all better when you yourself are degenerating by the day? These are very tough questions that require two answers. First answer would be: in a relationship, it's not all your burden to bear . Second answer would be: you shape up and do your best to be the best person you can be for yourself and the relationship . Having spent close to one week in a hospital for chest and nape pain gave me a glimpse into what the troubles people in relationships where one person is suffering face. Only this time I'm the suffering one and my girlfriend can only be there and watch. Not only was I suffering from the pain of my condition, but I also felt the pain of seeing my love suffer every time I squint and writhe in pain. Trust me, unless you're really screwed up in the b

Rhythm and Blues

A hectic week last week was capped by a well-deserved nightcap. A couple of Heineken's and I'm good to sleep through the weekend. Uncle was in the hospital, he went under the knife, but he's doing alright now -- had the chance to spend the weekend without worrying about work or whatnot. So I guess now I need to get into some kind of rhythm and be productive again. I've always been able to jump-start myself into productivity, but somehow nowadays am not as able to do that. Maybe has something to do with the weather. At any rate, I would strive to be able to blog more often and talk about more of my life and what I think. CHill.
One year older... Had a great bash, even though not a lot of people were informed or able to attend. I'm definitely looking forward to a fruitful year ahead -- and more fruitful years to come. CHilling!


I think this is the time of my life when I have to make certain decisions that are not easy to do. I definitely don't think this time is anything special, but the decisions I am making right now will determine the rest of my life. I really really want to settle down -- career wise, pace wise, and love wise. Soon. I think it's going to be an interesting waiting game I will have to play. CHill.

Pownce on Your Friends

Here's a good thing that's happening in the world today: online applications that have client-side interfaces . I just wish Blogger would have something like an Adobe Air based client... Or wait a minute, I can't wait to get someone spinning an Air-based client for this one project I'm working on (currently still a bit of a secret, until we actually launch it soon). I have got to get up to speed with all this Web 2.0 happenings. It's about time I jumped the bandwagon. CHill!

Expectations and Reality

Lesson learned: set realistic expectations and do everything to meet these expectations. When you set high expectations you're setting yourself to fail. But when you set too low of an expectation and you're bound to not enjoy the fun of meeting them. So set realistic expectations and do everything to meet these expectations. It's a cool change to be able to set realistic expectations and have them met. It makes life a bit more livable and success a bit more enjoyable. CHill.

Sniffles and Coffers

So I'm down with the cough and I feel the sniffles coming along. Lots of things happening during the weekend, the O&B peeps having a party, the guys at Friendster wanting to do a night out, and the meeting with the best friend and high school editor in chief slash friend on Saturday. It's just sad that I might not be able to make it to any of these things lined up especially since my situation is not improving. The doctor recommended me a set of meds to take, and I got to stick to it -- 1,300 Php for medicines to be had for three days, they damned better work. Aside from all this, it just feels so good to be loved. CHill.

Uy, Astig!

Day 1 back in school. I can say I missed it, but also that I'm glad I've been over most of the stuff I need to go through as far as subjects are concerned. I never thought about how clueless I was back then until now that I'm pretty much looking back and seeing myself in a lot of the children I study with in the CMSC 150 class -- both lecture and laboratory classes. So I guess I'm thankful that I don't have to do it again for four or five subjects. I'm very thankful that now I'm working a job and that I'm pretty much finishing this BSCS as a formality more than a requirement. I guess you really change perspectives when you get into the industry for a while and then get back to school. For one thing, I don't like being called "kuya" even though obviously I'm older than almost everyone there. Another thing is that working people seem to be "cool" for some people -- and I still don't know how to deal with the "uy, astig

How It's Supposed To Be

After all that I've been through in my life -- and even if the people I love are far away from me -- there's one thing that holds through: God Loves You and Your Family. Notice I didn't say "my", because I believe this holds through for everyone who's ever cared to talk to and listen to the Lord. The reason I say this is that it only takes a few moments to realize that when I look back at my life I wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for my family and the Lord. I have been through a lot of things, and the Lord has been with me all the way. This is not a truism, this is the truth -- and when I've stumbled and fallen, the Lord has been there to pick me up and console me. When I succeeded with an endeavor the Lord has been there to celebrate with me. And now I walk and live my life with the Lord by my side constantly thanking Him and living my life as I would according to His word and his teachings. He is wise above all: accepting this fact allows me t


At Last. When you know the person you love loves you too there's nothing else that will make you feel peace, joy, and calm. It just feels so good to be loved. And I'm definitely loving this. CHill.

Nothing Time Can't Heal

I have proven that there is nothing time can't heal -- and nothing that time can't weather away. Emo mode and all, I can say validation doesn't come from input -- it's in the processing. When I got into "emo" mode last week I was forgetting something fundamental: it takes two to tango. When you feel this heavy feeling in your heart because of someone or how the things between you and that someone is making you feel, you better go and see that person. You don't need to talk about it: rather just *be* with that person. If the feeling is replaced by a feeling of calm, peace, and joy then you know that "emo mode" will be temporary. Some people call it missing someone. I forgot how that feels because I've been used to having people I love be far from me and staying in touch with them. Mom and dad (happy father's day!) are in the US and because of the Internet, I'm not missing them too much. My sister's a couple hours drive away from wh

Paying Off

The numbers are in and it's pretty evident. Experience plus smart thinking equates to amazing results. When we learn from what we've learned in the past and use that experience to "do the right thing" this time around we solve problems more systematically and with a clear plan of action. It pays to earn as much experience as you can. And when you've earned the experience (and while earning) we need to learn from the experience. I started C++ programming when I was on my senior year in high school -- now I look back and I see how far I've gone. I also see now where I want to go, and where I'm at, as well as what I need to do to get to where I want to get to. Now the question is when do I want to get to where I want to go. And now I think I'd like to go set a goal for the end of the year and it makes me want to look at my goals I've set when I was 14 (close to 10 years ago) whether I'm still on track or whether I still want to stick to these goa

And So We Do It Again

I'm still at the office and I don't feel bad about it. I have just implemented a feature or change which required me to take two days of very little work and a literal escape (went home to Laguna and bonded with family -- and my niece and nephew) and lots and lots of mental cartwheels. I implemented the fix for a couple hours and just now I'm waiting for it to get tested. That's a couple days of work done in a couple of hours. Thank God for rest and inspiration. Now though I need to let her (the lady I love) know that I'm still alive, and that I just needed to step away and concentrate. I also need to get some sleep but my brain is racing. I am psyched that I actually think I've got this problem solved in close to record time! CHill!

All's Fair

in Love and War. That's what they say. I've been in emo mode the past couple of days, so much so that I needed to schedule dinner+coffee+stories with the best lady friend of ten years (and I never thought I'd be able to have a long term relationship ever), just to get stuff off my chest. I felt so down for no apparent reason that I didn't feel like I would be able to get out of it alone. And I was right. I needed to hear it from a friend straight up: "You're stupid you know..." I was beating up myself for something I walked myself into. I was telling myself "I need the pain" when I really was saying "I don't want to take control of my situation". There's so much more in store in life, but I'm beating myself up because I was giving up in doing whatever I can (and trusting the Lord in His plan for me). It's not so much that I've taken control and am getting lost: it's the other way around -- that I didn't take

When Things Aren't Going Your Way

You find a distraction. For some people that's work. For some people that's a movie alone. For some people there's a hobby, a vice, a routine. You need something which would change your current mood. For me, that's talking to people dear to me, connecting with friends, and just stopping whatever I'm doing to "smell the roses" and be able to connect. Right now I'm going through the usual "month before my birthday" blues, when I look at my life and see myself no better than I was the year before. I see how far I've gone, how much I've improved, and how much I still have to go through. I see how my life has gone and whether I like what I currently am. This year, I'm sad. I'm sad not because I haven't met my targets -- but that I've met them and exceeded them, that I'm sad I don't give myself enough credit for what I'm worth. I'm sad that I actually underestimate myself most of the time. Though I feel like

Independence Day Weekend

This is another reflection post, so if you don't like reading these kinds of posts, please stop reading now. Consider yourself warned. So we've turned 109 years as a nation of false hopes and broken dreams -- of walking wannabe's and has been never were. We've reduced our independence into something we celebrate once a year and completely forget every other day. Can you really call the Philippines independent? We can't even produce enough food to sustain our population. We can't even produce enough graduates of quality to fill the jobs we create. We can't even keep the people who can help change the Philippines in the country. We can't even elect a decent set of leaders to lead the country. We can't even be truly competitive in the global economy. We can't even begin to realize our true potentials. We can't even create our own identity. We can't even unite to be truly independent. We can't even stand on our own feet to become the coun

One Crazy Night

Last night the people at Orange and Bronze Software Labs held a birthday celebration for a couple of people in the company. All I can say is that: Whatever happens in Orange and Bronze Software Labs, stays at Orange and Bronze Software Labs. -- Some Wise Man I definitely appreciate the time spent with the people there. Great bunch of guys and gals. CHill!

Windows Live Anybody?

I am writing this post using the Windows Live Writer Beta 2 , and I really think this is a genuinely good tool from Microsoft. I know, I know, I'm not the biggest Microsoft fan out there. But this product -- and it being free -- is definitely a good move. Once Microsoft realizes that Open Source is the way to go , then maybe they'll have a good start to surviving this software business thing... And even if everything starts being on the Web/Internet, products like these will definitely give a good impression to the users and the developers who would want to work with (not necessarily the company) but the product. I sure hope they realize that this is definitely a good move. Props to Ealden for the link, and Microsoft for a job well done (so far). Chill!

Proud Filipinos

Are Filipino's really proud of their heritage? How about the circumstances of the Filipino people? How about the color of the skin, the shape of the face, the length and width of the noses? How about the Language(s)? For some reason I find a lot of Filipino's patronizing (even using) foreign languages in normal everyday situations. I'm guilty, I am more comfortable (not necessarily better) at writing English than Tagalog (Yes, my language is Tagalog, not the bastardized notion of a single language called Filipino that never was really the only language Filipinos know nor use). Although I admit that I write English a lot, the reason is being that I write more stuff on the Web than in any other medium -- and I want people who read and understand English to be able to read what I write: which is basically Filipino's and any other English speaking nation out there. But when you meet me in the Philippines, you can talk to me in Tagalog (note again, I really mean Tagalog) and

Taking Your Weekend

I've recently been re-reading Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People which makes me want to write my personal mission statement. I don't think I can do something like that right now, it seems that although I know what my life's passion is and that I have already found purpose, I still think I need to work on a concrete mission. Something that tells me and other people what I want to be about -- or what I am living for. A family is something that I've always wanted to have. Sure, I'm not great with relationships -- maybe because I choose partners that are at a different stage in life (even if we're the same age or what not) or maybe because I really cannot handle one yet -- but I do try my best to get better at it. I know I love to teach and share the knowledge. That I think is the reason why I tend to write a lot and at one point in time have started writing a book. I should follow through with this teaching and sharing knowledge gig but I

Now on 3G and liking it

I'm posting this message as I'm in a cab, hooked up the Nokia E61 issued by the local Friendster partner so that I can practically get online anytime anywhere. Sure enough, it's effective. Thanks to modern technology, it's easier to get things done wherever we are. I don't think it's too much of a bad thing, granted that I just had quality time with the lady I'm seeing and have fallen in love with. Good thing these devices have off switches. CHill!

Weekends Are Meant To Be

Relaxing. Had a fun-filled weekend and now I'm re-charged to start working on the stuff I need to work on again. I just hope things keep going my way as the weeks turn into months. That's just about it for me today, more to come tomorrow. CHill!

Mac Love

I'm writing this blog entry using an iMac. And I definitely love it. I should get myself an iMac instead of a MacBookPro. I should really do that for my birthday. I might do that later, if I can't be talked out of buying one. That is how much I want to have a Mac. I am in Mac envy right now. CHill...

TurboGears and Top Secret Project

I'm working with a friend of mine building this site based on a cool idea. I really think this one will fly, and I'm having fun learning and using TurboGears . Okay I'm swallowing my pride and admitting that it's really productive programming with Python . That being said, I still love C++. The project is still going on, and I'm doing it in my free time. CHill.

Now this is music...

Once in a while I go through YouTube to try and stumble upon amazing instrumentals, and I can't believe my luck when I got to this video. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did! Far out Bassline! CHill!

Sleepless in Calauan

It must be the not getting used to the silence in the province, or my feeling disconnected from my roots. But I guess there really is no sleep for the damned. So I find myself pondering on something I would really like to do someday: write a book. I don't have a very good life story to tell (yet I think, but I guess my parents and maybe close friends will disagree) and I haven't enough expertise like some people I know in C++ programming. I do have a passion for writing as evidence of this blog and a couple others I maintain, and I do have a passion for sharing what I know. I scooted on over to (thanks Charo for the link a couple months back) and asked myself three times: do I actually do it? If I do it, what would that mean to my time? I don't mind spending my time in front of my laptop(s) hacking away on code, but would I actually have the patience to write down a book in a coherent manner compared to what I'm doing right now with my blog? I guess I could tr

Do Bloggers Take Weekends?

Apparently, Bloggers Take Weekends too. I'm subscribed to quite a number of blogs using Google Reader and I certainly feel odd having to look at an empty list... Maybe there's a blogger's creed that I'm missing? Some document which says that "Bloggers shall take weekends for themselves and not blog!". Maybe someone has to come up with that "Blogger's ten commandments" thingy... Something like this . CHill!

Getting Back Into the Groove

Last week I seemed distracted by a few things which had nothing to do with my work. But my work seemed to be distracted nonetheless. I guess this is because I haven't been sleeping much and that I've been doing much more than what was required of me. So now I'd like to get back into the groove: I'd like to get into the office by 8 AM in the morning, get out at 5 PM, get to the gym by 6 (or earlier), get home by 8, and have a maximum of one hour checking my mail and working on an open source project. This is something I hope to achieve next week, right after the Philippine Elections and the fiesta in our little town of Calauan, Laguna, Philippines. I just hope I can do it and stick to this schedule. CHill!

Oh Sniffles

Today in Manila, it rained. It's not even mid-May and we've got the rain coming. I know, people get all sorts of problems with health when the weather changes. More people develop sniffles because of the change in the temperature (slightest changes in temperature mean a big deal, why I have no idea). If there's one thing to be thankful for, is that I realized that the weather will always change -- and that's a reminder that in life, the only constant is change. I can't articulate it yet, but I do think that the weather and how our body reacts to it is very interesting. Does wonders to the mind. CHill!

Being In Love

They say being in love makes you go crazy. How crazy? Well, you wouldn't mind being stuck in traffic as long as you're on your way to her place -- unlike how you'd be very angry being late for a business meeting. You know the end result would be that if you were late the person you'd be meeting with will be angry or at least disappointed: the difference between going to someone you love and going to a business meeting is that you wouldn't mind the person you love when they actually scream at you for being late 'cause you know you'll do everything to make it up to that person; in business you'd have give a very bad impression which you may not profit from. You wouldn't mind going to her work place and get kantiawed at because all of it really doesn't matter. Just as long as you'd be with her, you'd pretty much want to do it anyway. It doesn't matter that you'll spend a hundred bucks (plus plus) just to get to her place, and anothe

Affecting Other People's Lives

This is personal reflection. If you're not much into this kind of thing, stop reading. Consider yourself warned. When are you most effective? Effectiveness might be measured by how much effect you have on a certain aspect: work, life, relationships, the earth, the universe, your family, your dog's aptitude, and pretty much anything that can be affected and measured . But how do you know you're being an effective life partner, friend, manager, brother, sister, neighbor, or person? How do you measure the effect you have on other people? I found out that you can't. That it all really depends on how you feel about other people and how you help other people become better people as you try to become better yourself. It's a matter of being appreciated, and being told that "you have affected me, and that I welcome your effect". I found out it doesn't matter much what other people think about you, just as long as they're wrong. And that if ever other people

The Pursuit of Happiness

What makes you happy? I realized that it's not the money, it's not the sex, it's not the worldly possessions that I can/may/might/will/should have. It's the people around me and my relationship with them that makes me happy. Of course money can allow me to buy things that will make my life more enjoyable, more comfortable, and more "full". The sex can bring me orgasmic natural highs which nothing else can substitute. The worldly possessions will bring me the status symbols and tangible things that other I can take comfort in. However, unless I have friends, family, and neighbors that are affected and blessed by the blessings that I'm graced with, I'll continue living an empty life. No matter how much money, sex, and worldly possessions I have: as long as I don't have meaningful relationships with people around me, I have nothing. Being among people I love and care about is that which really makes me happy. Everything else is secondary. That's w

So Many Things Going On...

I just came back from a very well deserved vacation -- days where I didn't have to think about work, and just went along with whatever was going on and relaxed. I needed that break badly, to let me go ahead and get away from the daily grind. Although I actually do love what I'm doing at Friendster, it's been a while since I've been able to get away from work and live life to the fullest -- even just for a few days. Malaysia was a very refreshing place to be in because of the food, the people, and the vision of prosperity that I just hope the Philippines will be able to reach someday. Kuala Lumpur is beautiful in its simplicity in the midst of complexity, in unity amidst the diversity, and in progress amidst tradition. What is very surprising are the roads: expansive, well maintained, and very well used. The only other time I was impressed by the roadwork was when I was in the US for the first time, on long drives on what seemed like endless roads, highways, bridges, exi

Okay, I'm getting tired...

Of being alone. I just got back from Malaysia, and have I got stories to tell. Too many things going on in my mind though, I'm still in vacation mode... So I'll go ahead and write about the Malaysian Grand Prix (maybe post pictures as well) soon. But this post is just to let everyone know that I'm tired of being alone -- and I'm going to go out there and find that someone for me. I'm 23, working for Friendster, with a full life ahead of me: and I don't want to spend it alone. [contents removed based on a friend's advice] :D CHill!

Missing the Playing Days...

I have a couple of teammates in Friendster who are part of bands. I've gotten the chance to watch one of them play last Saturday, and I can only say that I really *really* miss playing the bass. To make matters worse, I saw this video (see below) where the lead vocalist is also a teammate of mine here at Friendster. Now I really really *really* miss playing... If only I had the time... CHill...

Day 1 At The Pad

Yesterday, I moved. From the unit I rented alone (which was getting too small for my own good) to one which I share with 4 other people. Moved the stuff, and bade farewell to the place which had so much memories. Oh well, another chapter in this thing called Life. CHill!


I was watching CNBC and I saw this clip about a guy inventing something inspired by a straw . A drinking straw. This is what the internet is for. And might I say that it's brilliant advertising and PR. Looking forward to the next brilliant clip. CHill!

When The Going Gets Tough...

Usually the tough fight it out with the going. It's when the pressure is high and the deadline is near that the tough people suck it up and put their arses on the line. Then you'll know who's tough: when you stand by what you've done and take responsibility for your actions -- and deal with the consequences that arrive. This is true for relationships, for careers, in projects, and especially in teams where people tend to rally around either one person or rely on one another to pull through and tough it out. I just hope this phase gets done so that I can go back to doing what I really love and not have to worry about group dynamics... CHill...

Alone Hacking

I haven't done this for quite a while: the hustle and bustle of deployment and staying overnight babysitting an application running in a window, watching server stats in a couple other windows, and yet more reading and speculating on the code regarding where the next bug might be and what it could bring to the system. I missed this so much I don't mind going through one of these sprints once in a while. CHill!

When Chilling Out Meant Having a Good Time...

things were a lot more simple. No bills to worry about, no deadlines to beat, no nothing except you and maybe a couple of friends chilling out. Now chilling out means taking a break from the hectic hustle and bustle of everyday living in the city and just sitting on a couch in front of the TV and waiting for food delivered to my door. It's not meant to be a good time, it's just meant to be a break from what happens everyday. Good thing I have great friends whom I know I can count on when the going gets tough. But today, I'm taking a break alone. CHill.

Home and Settled

I got back as scheduled Tuesday morning Philippine time, and my days have been packed since getting back. Bug hunting season is still open even though I'm already here in the Philippines. I believe I've just recently been able to help fix a bug (or figure out a solution) that's been keeping a deployment from going full swing. I sure hope I get a lot more productive days out of this practice. I'm learning a lot, and am loving it. CHill!


Have you seen the movie ? I somehow know how that feels. But with WiFi and the other things that make an airport more cozy (like great seats, and other things), I don't mind staying here a while -- just not a 9 month long while. :) Philippines, here I come! :) CHill!

Homeward Bound

I'll be flying back to the Philippines on Sunday Feb. 25th, arriving Feb. 27th. I sure hope the Philippines is just as I remember it. It's been just a couple of weeks, and I don't miss so much the place -- but I do miss the people. CHill!

Late Under the Weather

I stayed up until 2 AM today before hitting the sack (or more like tossing and turning in the bed) because since bug hunting season was open I had been faced with a certain challenge a simple fix could not remedy. Because of this, I'm not 100% right now, and might not be able to perform productively. It's never a good idea to stay up late and try to fix things but it's an ordeal developers usually have to go through -- and almost always for the wrong reasons. Trying things left and right and seeing each trial fail can be called an "exercise in futility" but I look at it in a different view: every failed approach lets you know how *not* to do it in the future. Life lessons learned should be life lessons shared. CHill! (quite literally, here in San Francisco)

Early and Productive

I came in around 9 am into the Friendster office, and have been very productive since. We've squashed a couple of nasty bugs causing problems in the tests, and will be continuing to go ahead and hunt some more bugs pertaining especially to memory management issues. It's definitely something else being able to work on really interesting stuff. I'm learning a lot reading code and understanding legacy systems better. Though I'm a ground zero design/implement kind of guy, I'm getting the hang of working with other people's code and putting into practice some debugging and re-design/re-implementation techniques I've only been able to read about. Although a major re-design won't happen anytime soon, I'm definitely looking forward to being more productive as the days go by. Mental note: when modifying someone else's code, it's always a good idea to put yourself in another person's shoes and try to understand what he was thinking first *before* y

Irish Pub

There's something about Irish pubs that I just really love. It might be the ambiance -- the wooden furniture, soft lighting, and maybe the beautiful bartender(s) -- or the drinks -- Guiness, lager on the tap, the whiskey, and occasional Jager -- but I definitely think it's the combination of all these. Wanted to get a couple of beers, but the Marriott Courtyard's bar closes at around 11, so I walked up the block around the corner to Kate O'Briens and I was not disappointed. Though I was expecting to make small talk with the beautiful lady behind the bar, I was just puffed out and wanting the solitude and anonymity. I did catch her on being Irish with the way she talked, and found out that her parents (or grandparents, the music was a bit loud) were Irish. Nothing better than an Irish bred lady bar tender after midnight. So much for Valentine's, I'm kinda feeling a bit more vibe towards St. Patty's day in that little corner on Howard Street. I'm mid-way t


According to this , Positive (n.) -- Characterized by or displaying certainty, acceptance, or affirmation: a positive answer; positive criticism. And I'm very positive of how things are looking like here in San Francisco. Definitely Thrilled and Positive. CHill!


Sailing takes me away To where I've always heard it could be Just a dream and the wind to carry me And soon I will be free -- Sailing by Cristopher Cross San Francisco is just surreal. Not much else to say, but I love it here. Definitely love it here. CHill!


It's my first night in San Francisco, and I'm definitely excited about what the day would be like tomorrow. I'm still up and about, and am going to be getting a couple of beers at the bar downstairs just to get myself soused enough to sleep. We were served breakfast at the airplane an hour before we landed, and that's screwed up pretty much my body clock. Though I'd like to go out and grab something to eat, I'm feeling a bit apprehensive about the prospects of walking alone on Market Street at night. So if you're in SF, CA and would like to meet up, it would be an adventure. I'm here until Sunday next week, unless Friendster wants me to stay a bit longer *hint* *hint*. :D CHill!

Queue Hell

I just came back from the DFA, because I had to renew my passport in time to go to the US. All I can say is that the queues can drive you mad, especially if the people around you are not considerate of the concept of "personal space". But I guess here in the Philippines, people don't really have a concept of "personal space" -- just check out the MRT, busses, and jeepneys cramming everyone into a metal container like sardines in a can. Though the queue was hellish, it's worth it: I'll be able to get my renewed passport on the 9th. I just got wind that I'll be leaving for San Francisco on Sunday evening Philippine time, and will be arriving on the 11th there. I'm definitely psyched to visit San Francisco again, having been there once before for just a few hours. Now I get a week to stay in San Francisco and figure out what other cool things I can do there, and perhaps meet up with people who are just around the vicinity. I suppose I'd like to

Day One at Friendster

I started yesterday at Friendster, and I should say I think I'm going to have the same fun I've been having at O&BSL in this environment. Not only am I surrounded by brilliant fun loving people, the work I'll be doing is definitely interesting especially to me. I'll most probably be flying to the US next week to meet the people there and get the hang of being "part of the team". I definitely look forward to working with the people here as I move on to a new chapter of my life. Not much else to say, but that I'm psyched to work with Friendster for the year 2007. CHill!

Sore and Determined

I've recently been going to the gym, and I must say my body is sore. I'm feeling pain in places I never thought I had in my body -- or that I've taken for granted. Glutes, Hamstrings, Quads, Triceps, Biceps, Lats, and Abs. They all hurt one time or another, but I'm still determined to look the best I can before the summer. I'm not doing this for vanity's sake, I'm doing this for my health -- and the benefits of looking better as well. :D I shall document progress accordingly. CHill...

Transition Yet Again

The only constant in the world is change. Even though I had been having fun in the company I am still currently working with, I had been offered a chance to contribute to an endeavor where the skills that I've been developing for the past decade or so of my life would be very useful in another company. And that I would finally get the chance to work on something that's interesting to me: large scale high performance computing. Although the work I'll be doing wouldn't be "rocket science", I will be working on a vary challenging problem (or set of problems) which I look forward to working on. I've been pretty busy lately working for a company who's goal and vision is very similar to Orange and Bronze Software Labs' goal and vision which is to put the Philippines on the map in terms of software development -- especially in Free/Open Source Software development. I very well hope that I've been able to contribute the best work I can do, and that I&#