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Showing posts from February, 2004

Hung Over, Tired, Pressured, and Resting...

Basically, having things needed ASAP and things happening out of the blue, and people around you needing help leaves you in a state of FATIGUE. However, the things you like to do the most and the things you usually do the most tend to normalize your condition as time goes by. I think it has something to do with being able to cope with the things happening around you, and being able to put things into perspective. My study on Parallel Computing and Load Balancing is getting to a point where the results speak for themselves, but the language the results use are not the same as what I use. It would be nice if someone else had input regarding WHY the control results do not follow the trends that have been implied when using an automatic load balancing (or automatic scheduling) approach. The WHY is something I have to explain, which adds more pressure on me and my paper. As for the paper, the introduction is growing quite long already, especially in the area where I get to talk about

Feel Old?

How to not feel old when anonymous in the middle of a party... Well, basically... I don't know. Why? Because that's precisely how I felt when I was at a party a couple of hours back. I felt really old not only because of the fact that it was a dance party, and that the beer I like the most to drink was for old people (San Miguel Super Dry) and wasn't being sold -- but more because I felt really old compared to all the young ladies flaunting their bodies and rubbing theirs with mine. I simply felt too old for the nightlife that young people (or someone I used to be) really wanted every week. People mostly in the good young years of college life want to drink, get drunk, get a gorgeous partner, have fun (or more fun than what's already offered), and live to drink another day. However, I felt old and held back -- mainly because I should be in the office by 8 am, at school by 10 am, spending the day at the mall by 3 pm, and having fun with my older cousins during the wee


A couple of days back, I spent a whole day listening to researchers present the studies they have been working on and have finished already. It actually felt nice, and now I'm convinced that I should go that path since it is what I have always been wanting. It sure feels nice to know that there are people out there who have been advancing the state of technology and adding to the pool of knowledge that the world has access to now. Chill...


Definitely something every user of any technology should do. But which FM do you have to R? Who knows? Well, if you can't find it yourself you gotta ask. Right? Don't be afraid to ask, but be prepared for the RTFM response.

Anomalies and Another Problem

I've just finished analyzing results from the initial tests done at the Beowulf cluster and with my adviser's guidance, We have come to the conclusion that the results are indeed anomalous. Anomalous in the sense that it does not make sense. I have been going at my thesis for the past year, and the last thing I want to be able to discover would be anomalous behaviour, or behaviour out of the ordinary or what has already been written. The last thing I want is to propose an explanation to something that I am just beginning to grasp. In times like these, I wish I had the answers. But no, I'm an undergraduate doing my thesis on something that seems so way out of my league. Or, I might be feeling this because now I'm feeling the pressure. Anyway, one suggestion was that I find another problem that may be decomposed or solved using the master-slave computing model, and the same automatic load balancing I implemented on my control tests. THEN I'd be more or less be a

Who Moved My Cheese?

Coping with change. That's something I definitely want to and will do. I just finished reading a book on a story involving two mice, and two little people, in one maze where they sought cheese. It seems like a bed time story at first, but it's a story filled with little pointers and reminders for the readers to take with them as they journey through the maze that is their life. I should get a copy of that book, and have my family and friends read through the very nice pages containing this quite simplistic yet though and insight filled story about two mice and two little men, cheese and a maze. Seeing myself, I feel like the mouse that found out that cheese has run out at cheese station C, and it's time to move on to another cheese station, or set out finding New Cheese. I definitely felt the fears of changing myself and my outlook about things, but now I should know better and move on. Move with the Cheese and Enjoy it! That's something definitely I will be doing

Start the Week Right

This is something I definitely want to do today, as it's a monday and another start of the week. Later in the day I'll be with groupmates working on the interface design for the integrated online discussion forum, and a little later I'd be in the LBFM booth doing my thing with the glitch at 8:00 PM. Note to self: Should let out the frustration more often and get to be able to talk on air more often, for theraputic effects. After that broadcast, I'll be coming home to study for my CMSC 172 exam tomorrow, which should more or less be a knock out squeeze your brains type of exam. I really hope I get a date anytime soon, sure feels lonely without someone of the opposite sex to talk to and have fun with. Spending the day alone in front of the computer (not that I mind it) is no compare to having a living breathing human of the opposite sex in front of you. Especially if they have things to share and thoughts to ponder. I guess I'd just have to be more resourceful w

Date? Anyone?

I need to meet more people. Sometimes, I forget to try out new ways of going around and meeting people. Sometimes, I even forget that I actually know people, and that meeting more shouldn't be that hard. Now I remember. Chilled...


You want to do something? Sure, it would be very simple -- you just do it. But if you have to do something? Then you'd need motivation. It's not so easy to find just that especially if you have a lot of things to do. I've never had to muster up enough motivation to actually do something like find a date or a girlfriend, but then it seems like so much of a chore now. I guess I just really need to meet other women. Now even blogging seems like a chore. Frozen and bored...