Electile dysfunction, FIRST PERSON By Alex Magno - Tuesday, January 22, 2008:
Most remarkable is what we might call a phenomenon of inverse effect: the more some politicians attempt to convince us that they are the ones who will save this nation, the lower they rate in the public opinion polls. The harder they try, the deeper they sink.
“Electile dysfunction” appears to be affecting more Filipinos that we might be prepared to admit, what with all the contrived media stories about old horses preparing to run the 2010 race. I know of several meetings being held the past few weeks among concerned individuals, groups and networks seeking to uncover a path to a new mode of electoral politics: one that begins from genuine popular movements and responsive to grassroots expectations.
I'm not normally a political blogger, but I'd like to think it's time we change the way politics works here in the Philippines. There should be a better way of choosing leaders short of changing the structure of government.
I agree there should be electoral reform here in the country -- changes should be made as to how the major political parties conduct their business, where it quickly becomes more about who's got more money instead of having everyone play in the same level playing field. We should put caps on how much any party should be able to spend for the purpose of campaigning, and have rules on how debates and 'primaries' are conducted. It's high time change came upon us at this tender time of ripeness in our country's maturity.
If there's anyone out there really interested in getting the political parties to go lower to the grassroots -- to reach the constituency and ask us first who we'd like to have the party to choose to field for the presidency -- then there should be wide-spread support for this person or these people. We should have the politics in this country change on principle by standing on principle instead of just being "part of a group".
I'd like to see a Libertarian party here in the Philippines that lobbies and fights for more liberties for the people instead of a bigger government. A party which should strive for leaner government providing necessary services only instead of having more control over more aspects of a nation. I'd like to see a Libertarian party that focuses on protecting the liberties of and expanding the liberties of the Filipino people, rather than the growth of the republic or the socialization of welfare.
Again, I'm normally not a political blogger -- but if my voice reaches farther and wider than those who don't speak for themselves, I'd do what I'd have to do.
So here, I'm admitting, that I'm suffering from Electile Dysfunction.
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